Not a Franklin Club member?

Members have access to much of our repair, maintenance, and technical information as noted to the left, so consider joining to keep your Franklin healthy and happy. After you join, you will receive the password to the 'Members Only' section to explore these resources.

General Sites


AutoLit - original automobile literature

Pre War Car

Classic Motor Monthly

Serious Wheels - images of classic and collector cars

Early American Automobiles

Autolist - classic car research and classified

Death Valley '49ers
Ralph Hamlin was Franklin's best salesman and a showman -- many of his races and demonstrations took place in Death Valley. The Death Valley '49ers is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that seeks to expand public awareness of Death Valley.

Repair and Maintenance and Technical Information

Technical Information and Specifications

2024 Trek Tech Session.
Jeff Hasslen discusses his project to replicate the 1929-1934 Delco starter bendix. Approximately 20 minutes albeit the first few minutes are missing.

Click on the icon in lower right to see large version.
2024 Trek Tech Session.
Jim Eby discusses his Series 11 engine project. Jim discusses the bearing failure leading to reimagining the bottom end of the engine. This is also a good overview of engine assembly. Approximately 90 minutes.

Click on the icon in lower right to see large version.

The information in these pages is pulled from Air Cooled News, Franklin Service Station, and years of Registers and Roster entries.

Maintenance, Repair, and Technical Resources.

The H.H. Franklin club has a variety of technical and historical resources available for club members and the public.

  • Franklin Forum. The Franklin Forum (hosted on the AACA website). Allows users to ask questions and get answers to technical questions, and connect with Franklin enthusiasts. Click here to read discussions
  • Repair and Maintenance Q's and A's. (Members Only) From 1997 to 2012 the Franklin Club website hosted a technical forum for members. Hundreds of service and repair questions were answered (mostly) by restoration experts Paul and Tom. To help you navigate to the relevant Q and A, Tim Miller assembled an index of the Q and A pages (actually two indexes, one by topic and year and another by year and topic). Click here to see an index to get an idea of the content of the Q's and A's.
  • Parts Manuals. (Members Only). Each Franklin Series Parts Manual gives an exhaustive list of the parts in your Franklin as well as the Franklin factory drawing that describes each part. To see an example page, click here.
  • Factory Engineering Drawings. (Members Only). These are the original Franklin facotry blueprints and drawings. To see and example click here.
  • Back issues of The Air Cooled News. (Members Only). The Franklin Club publishes an award winning magazine several times a year that typicaly includes technical, historical, service, and/or repair information for club members. To see the index of topics covered in the Air Cooled News, click here.
  • Back issues of Franklin Service Station. (Members Only). The Franklin Club publishes a newsletter several times a year that typicaly includes technical, historical, service, and/or repair information for club members. The index, above, for the Air Cooled News also includes the topics included in the Franklin Service Station for your information. To see an example of the Franklin Service Station, click here.
  • Factory Dealer Bulletins. (Members Only). These are the bulletins sent to dealerships by the Franklin Factory with promotional information, news of new models, factory promotions, and other company news. To see an example of a factory bulletin, click here.
  • Factory Service Bulletins. (Members Only). These are the service bulletins sent to dealerships with repair and maintenance tips and updates, technical updates, and how to deal with customer complaints about ownership issues. To see an example of a factory bulletin, click here.
  • Reprints of Parts books, Manuals, and Sales Literature for most Franklin models are available directly from the Franklin Club Library. Click here to see the full list (does not include mailing costs). When the club runs out of stock of reprints, the club will publish and make them available from on-line booksellers such as Amazon. (see below.)
  • The following topics are also covered in the 'Members Only' section:
    • What You Should Know About Your Watson Stabilators
    • Stromberg Model U Carburetor
    • Stromberg Model UR Carburetor
    • Stromberg Model OE-1 Carburetor
    • Ash Sill Ply Stock
    • Vacuum Tanks
    • Top Installation
    • Adapting Delco Distributor